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  1. rtkz_wasa19741

    Roblox Challenge Suggestion Zombie Rush

    Ah shit here we go again.
  2. rtkz_wasa19741

    komputer Cop

  3. rtkz_wasa19741

    komputer Reached 10 wave

    :D Finally
  4. rtkz_wasa19741

    komputer GTA V Complete 10 wave

    Survived 9 And it's started 10 wave doing i suicided
  5. rtkz_wasa19741

    komputer GTA V Complete 10 wave

  6. rtkz_wasa19741

    komputer gm_construct

    i don't have account twitter i actullay have instagram
  7. rtkz_wasa19741

    komputer gm_construct

  8. rtkz_wasa19741

    komputer Stab stab stab!

    Admin forgot then blind :(
  9. rtkz_wasa19741

    komputer Mastiff Shotgun

    about my left party member http://prntscr.com/or6jif
  10. rtkz_wasa19741

    komputer Mastiff Shotgun

    http://prntscr.com/or6iiz I clicked prntscr and fast they shooting me enemy I killed and I won 5 kills!! I am still alive not dead
  11. rtkz_wasa19741

    komputer Stab stab stab!

    Are you blind im saying #general I did mean idea
  12. rtkz_wasa19741

    komputer Stab stab stab!

    Um... You have read? https://www.glitch.win/index.php?threads/competition-requirements.17/ and.. look right up about killfeed
  13. rtkz_wasa19741

    komputer Headshot with AWP

    Yea Yeah.. I've not banned CS:GO Here link : https://steamcommunity.com/id/rtkz_wasa19741/
  14. rtkz_wasa19741

    komputer Stab stab stab!

  15. rtkz_wasa19741

    komputer Headshot with AWP

  16. rtkz_wasa19741

    komputer Apartment Show off!

    Admin forgot blind then say credited!
  17. rtkz_wasa19741

    Someone I am waiting getting credits competitions

    I just waiting long ago no one gave me credits ;-;
  18. rtkz_wasa19741

    Someone I am waiting getting credits competitions

    I completed double kills(APEX) , Lumberjack(FORTNITE) , Visit apartment, visit casino(GTA V)
  19. rtkz_wasa19741

    komputer Double kills

  20. rtkz_wasa19741

    komputer Lumberjack
